Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's A Boy!!!

We had our ultrasound today and found out we are having a boy!

He is due the end of May, and no, he does not have a name yet.  We are open to suggestions though.
Jack is very excited to have a brother and the girls are both a little disappointed - they said, "Mom, we really wanted a sister, or a brother and a sister or just a sister."  Before the appointment I tried to talk to Jack about not being sad if it was a girl to which he responded, "If he is a girl, can I get an older brother?"  I am sorry Jack, that is not in the cards for you!  I am not having a 9 year old!  Jack is already talking about getting him a fishing pole, and making sure that he still gets the top bunk of the bunk beds that have been a huge source of argument lately.  The bunk beds are in our storage room, and I don't see them coming out any time soon.  Sorry kids, I am not really in the mood for another trip to the E.R.
The baby looked very healthy and we could tell he was a Cutler boy because he was being so stubborn! ;)  We could not see any of the other important things (like the heart, profile or stomach) so I get to have another ultrasound in a month.  She said he looked great, she just needed some clearer pictures.
We are doing very well, and appreciate all the love and support.  We had a wonderful Christmas, thanks to all of you!  Thank you all.  We love you and will update later.

1 comment:

  1. How very exciting! 2 girls 2 boys....great numbers. So nice and even! :)
