Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Too.Cute.For.Words....ok, just a few!

Today Carrie came into the kitchen, probably scrounging for food!  She put her cute little arms around my legs and I leaned down so that she could see my face and said, "Carrie, I love you!"  She looked up at me and said, "I love you, too!"  I picked her up and said, "Give me a hug."  And with those cute little arms around my neck, one hand patting my back she said, "This makes my heart happy!"

Oh my, there may have been some tears in this ol' tearless girl's eyes!

What a sweet little moment.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jack's Valentine's Day Class Treats

Jack wanted something special to take to his class for Valentine's day, so I went on the hunt for something great - good thing I bought some candy canes for Christmas and then forgot about them!  He remembered that Coco likes hearts, so he wanted to share them with you.