We woke up to a beautiful winter day of falling snow and many, many inches on the ground just waiting for someone to walk in it, sled on it, and build with it!
We were pleasantly suprised with a "Snow Day" off from school. Why is it that children can sense that and are up at 7 am anyways......I am somewhat looking forward to those stay in bed until noon teenage days! Oh how I miss them myself.
My biggest kid or as we call him Dad was maybe the most excited. He promptly got out the shovel and did the walks and the driveway then readied the Acadia for some Hookie Bobbin'. Maddie and Mia had a BLAST and I must say that my first experience was great as well!
Carrie quickly got tired of the snow and was ready to come in. She spent most of her time laying in the snow because she couldn't walk in it. It was too deep! So she and I brought Callie in and decided that we really liked the warm inside.
Ryan, Maddie and Mia then continued to shovel snow into a giant pile and made a cool snow fort. What cute eskimos they all are.
Mia willingly came in but Maddie was all about the "5 more minutes". I was finally able to lure her in with some hot chocolate. The girls enjoyed their hot cocoa and Carrie enjoyed some "ICED SPIDER".
So, we have enjoyed our snow day and we are hoping that the rest of the day it only falls on the grassy areas....one can dream!